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Dark Shadows
Episodes 1061-1070

Barnabas and Julia are transported to the future where
they find Collinwood in ruins. They question the suriviors and
follow the clues, determing to avert the crisis by returning to the
present and changing the future.

Barnabas Collins:: Same Barnabas as present time

Dr. Julia Hoffman:: Same Julia as present time

Carolyn Stoddard Fredricks:: Same Carolyn as in present time by aged and insane

Quentin Collins:: Same Quentin as in present time by aged and insane

Professor Timothy Elliot Stokes:: Same stokes as present time but aged and insane

Mrs. Sarah Johnson:: Same Mrs. Johnson as present time but aged and insane

Ghost Of Gerard Stiles:: Malevolent spirit from 1840

Ghost of Daphne Harridge:: Benevolent spirit from 1840

Ghost Of David Collins:: Spirit of David from 1970

Ghost Of Hallie Stokes:: Spirit of Hallie from 1970

Victor Flagler:: Local farmer

Ed:: Record clerk

Sheriff Don Crabtree:: Collinsport Sheriff

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